Sunday, March 16, 2008

All I Ever Wanted...

Do I feel empty? Do I feel strange, strange to this world, strange to myself? Do I feel sad? Do I feel insecure? Do I feel wanting to love? Do I feel wanting to be loved? Do I feel wanting to be wanted? Do I feel wanting to be needed? Do I feel wanting to feel important, important to those who are important to me? Do I feel wanting to have everything I want, everything I've ever wanted, eevrything I can ever want? Or maybe just that one thing would be enough... Maybe just one feeling, maybe just one moment...
Do I need just one person, one, singular, who will know everything about me? Who, I'll know, head, foot, heart, mind... One, who'll just...
i want more than I have, I am flawed... But I do want an equal of what I give... Have you ever loved someone so hard that you'll surrendered but still not in love, someone who is your world, just not your knight-in-the-shining-armour? Is it possible, are the two mutually exclusive? I've never fallen in love... But I've surrendered, I have given up on my owrld... Do I want to be close to somebody, close in emotions, close in mind, someone who'll say you know everything about me, rather than someone who claims you don't even know me completely... Is this scorn? Maybe no... Have I met someone who has taught me life, who is my friend, who protects me, whom I like to protect, advice, help... who listens to me, listens, tells, sometimes... But Do I want to listen more, Do I want to tell more...
Few relationships give joy, fewer happiness, btu very few actually give "bliss" I look for joy? for happiness? for bliss? No, I think I look for contentment, from my people, from my life, from my world... But we always lust for more than we can afford... so is this crazy notion of contentment ever possible? I do try to find the answer often, look around myself. Do I find anything?
I will get everything I want when I get that who I want, who is my biggest secret-keeper, wh will be my greatest friend, who will be my angel...
This is for Him, my friend, my confidant, my...
Why do I feel the world's complete?
Though I have nohting, other than my feelings inside me.
Why are we bounded, together?
Though there's no cupid, though you are you and I am me.
Why does this feel so special?
Though we are far, away, tied, awept, each other's never to see.
Why do I want this to be forever?
Though I know, life may never be...